24 July 2012

Back to the States

I left Argentina on Monday and flew to my sister's house in Arizona. I can't believe how much I've seen and done in only nine weeks of travel! I've met such amazing people and eaten the most delicious food. I climbed a million stairs at Machu Picchu, hitch hiked by myself with some very helpful Peruivians, went to a Mexican circus in Chile, ate too many hot dogs, relaxed on the beach, took hundreds of photos of beautiful street art, drank too much pisco with two wonderful ladies, celebrated the 4th of July with a bunch of Chileans, spent hours in the most beautiful cemeteries, rode drunk on bicycles around Mendoza, sipped absinthe until my head spun, jumped around on a desert of salt, drank maté every morning, smoked a Marlboro with a gaucho while riding a horse through a field, ate seriously the most amazing steak ever-seriously, saw the most epic waterfalls, watched people tango in Buenos Aires, ran around the biggest cities I've ever seen, sat on buses longer than I ever thought possible, went to more street markets than I've been to in my entire life, and even had a man try to rob me with a toy gun.

All in all I'd have to say I had a pretty fucking awesome time and it was worth all the hard work. I am so grateful to have met so many wonderful people from around the world and hope to see you all again someday. Thank you to everyone who helped me get here and to everyone who helped me along the way. I love you all! I can't wait to travel again! 

glad to be heading home, but you will be missed South America
(I promise I'll come back soon)

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