13 January 2014

Planes, Taxis, and a Pedicab

My mom and I woke up Friday morning and headed to PDX. Three planes and 26 hours later we arrived in Manila and took a taxi to our Airbnb in Makati City. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a bed, even if there was a gigantic cockroach there to greet us.

 the line of old people about to board our plane-and Michael Jackson?

We flew Asiana Air from Seattle to Incheon in South Korea. My mom and I were pretty much the only white people on the plane. We were also the only ones drinking. I asked the flight attendant if they had ginger ale. She said yes, so I asked for a ginger ale with vodka. The other girl helping her grabbed the vodka and almost filled my cup. The first girl started cracking up. They each handed me a cup-one filled with vodka and ice, the other with ginger ale. The next few hours of the flight were pretty awesome.


chowing down with a bunch of Koreans

 okay, so there are a few perks to flying

We passed out in our little room in Makati City when we finally made it to the Philippines. In the morning, I had a quick cold shower and we headed out to explore.

mass amounts of power lines


I'm not sure if you knew this about me, but I LOVE bananas!

one of the many Jeepneys zigzagging through the streets-we have yet to ride one

We later took a  taxi into Manila to see Intramuros, or the Walled City. It is the oldest district in Manila. The defense walls were orginaly built in the 16th century by the Spaniards. Miguel López de Legazpi came to the island of Luzon and fought with the Islamic Natives over the land. In 1571, the Spaniards made peace with the natives and the land was handed over to them.

Intramuros was almost completely destroyed by the Japanese and Americans during WWII. In 1945, Japanese soldiers invaded Intramuros and killed tons of Filipino soldiers and civilians. The Walled City was in ruins after the war and, along with San Agustin, the only structure left standing in Manila.

our tour guide Moses ("like from the Bible") and his pedicab

bike love

Filipinos love staring at us and waving


preparing for his cockfight

my mom and Moses

sad pony

San Agustine Church

inside Intramuros


view of Manila from the Walled City


General MacArthur's bunker-now a lovely golf course!

clock marking the center of Manila

We learned more history about the Philippines (and the US) in two hours than we have in a long time. Thanks Moses!


  1. Everything looks so beautiful. I'm glad you've gotten to see some street art. Can't wait to hear and see more of your guys' trip! Love you two!

  2. Tunnels and dungeons. That's my kind of trip. :D
