14 January 2014

Legazpi City

One more airplane ride and we were finally in Legazpi. This was our ultimate destination. The inspiration for this trip led us here. My mom has been sponsoring a girl through Children International for 12 years. On Wednesday, we will get to meet her and her family.

As we were getting off the plane, everyone was being handed umbrellas. It was probably 25C and sprinkling. We did not take an umbrella. After a coffee and internet break, we decided to walk the 2 kilometers to the Legazpi Travel Inn. The rain was on and off, but it felt so good that we didn't need a jacket. Women looked us in sadness until we smiled back and laughed. Men kept trying to offer us rides or just stared at us like we were bonkers.

pretty rain hair

neighborhood behind the inn

the street below and yes, a 7-11

We booked another Airbnb with an Australian man Ray and his Filipina wife Sally. They picked us up and brought us to Kim's Bowl for an expat meeting they have every Tuesday at 10am. We met people from all over and hung out chatting for a few hours.

Lapu-Lapu (Grouper)

Next, Ray and Sally drove us across town to the Cagsawa ruins. Legazpi City sits right below Mt. Mayon, an active volcano. In 1814, Mayon had its most violet eruption that destroyed the church and killed the 1,200 people that were hiding inside. All that remains is the bell tower.
the rain and clouds made the giant volcano completely invisible

men working near Cagsawa

Ray is friends with another Australian and his wife who own a restaurant and a couple other buildings next door. They collect and decorate the restaurant with antiques and refurbished wood. We went in a few hours before they opened to have some tea and hide out from the rain.

My mom and I ended the day with some pizza and beer by the ocean and then walked back to our temporary home on the hill to sleep. Tomorrow we get to meet Robelyn!

morning view from the roof

 beautiful houses all around us


  1. Beautiful again. That's funny that people looked at you all sad because you were walking in the warm tropical rain.

  2. What a cool place and so beautiful in a completely different way than home. What an awesome experience!
