17 July 2012

Iguazu Falls

I met some Germans in Salta and we all decided to travel together to the falls. It was a lovely twenty-something hour bus ride, but we made it. Ice cream was definitely in order. I love ice cream.

Thomas, Me, Ben, and Marie

The next day we got up early and took another bus from town to the falls. We found out later that although we didn't go on a weekend, it was still winter holiday for the Argentinos, so everyone and their maté was there crowding around the edges to take a photo. I tried my best to crop that part out of my own photos...

 I wish I could rent the falls for a day so I could be here all alone

the only area where people are allowed to swim-unfortunately, it's winter and the water is too cold and high 

pretty bird! 

rainbows are pretty 

one of my South American goals was to jump off a waterfall, 
but I was pretty sure I wouldn't survive this one... 

here's what's going on behind the camera 
(is that Thomas?) 

cotton ball clouds 

next we decided to do a jungle trek 

it wasn't very jungley, but we did get to pretend we were Tarzan 

the trail ended at the top of a waterfall and we decided to walk the path to the bottom-
a few wooded stairs and boards along the path were broken or missing

when I was a kid, my leg got stuck in a broken bridge on a pizza restaurant playground-
a clown tried to save me...

this is my "I really hope I don't have to see a clown today" face

the tiniest of the falls 

I saw some ants and got really excited about all the huge things they were carrying 

Ben was helping me find a good slingshot to bring home for my friend Wes to make epic for me, 
but the jungle doesn't make sturdy branches
 [PS Wes makes amazing slingshots and you should buy one HERE]


after the trek, walked back to the train 

the last train to Gargantua del Diablo-the biggest fall

 the line-it took FOREVER!

but when we first spotted Gargantua del Diablo, aka Devil's Throat, it was well worth the wait

I felt like I was at a show trying to squeeze to the front to see the band 

we pushed and shoved and the band was AMAZING! 

these pictures can't even begin to explain how epic this really was 

so mush water! 

being really cool 


we were ushered out and back down the long bridges to the train-
the sun was setting and we smiled the whole walk back

When we got to the train, we got in line. A guy turned around and was very angry at us. He pointed out the end of the line (it was nowhere near where we were...) We didn't move though. We are bad people. Ben and I sat next to a South African guy when we finally got on the train. "Ah, the queue jumpers!" 

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