08 June 2012

Machu Picchu

I woke up early on June 1st to catch a bus and train to Aguas Calientes to meet up with the hiking group I had left days earlier. The train ride there was beautiful! I was supposed to meet a guy at the station that would help me to the hostel, but I failed to find him, so I just wandered into the city.
the ride through the jungle 

Aguas Calientes is a town of stairs

After a ridiculous attempt to explain to the hostel manager that I was meeting a group here and had a reservation, I was able to go to my room to wait for Tyler. I thought a nap sounded wonderful until I saw the  amzing view out the window.

the hills here are totally amazing

my view from my bed

Tyler arrived moments later, completely exhausted. He took a nap and then we wondered the town and had dinner with the hiking group. We woke at 3am the next morning and met the group downstairs. It was an hour hike up steep stairs to Machu Picchu, so I stayed back and took the bus, fearing I wouldn't make it to the top before the gates opened. I made it up the windy road and got to the gates just in time for the 6am opening. I was so excited on the ride up that I could hardly hold back my tears. 

my first view of the ruins through the morning fog-it's impossible to capture this moment in a photo

the world's best place to watch the sun rise

The morning fog was so beautiful running through the mountains. As it began to break, I could see more of the ruins. Our guide gave us a little tour and history of the city. I could barely pay any attention. I wanted to run up and down the hundreds of stairs and touch every rock and sprawl out on the grass. I wandered off after a couple of tour stops and did just that.

the first bit of sun to hit the ruins in the morning

evidence of the ruins slowly crumbling-less and less people will be able to see Machu Picchu in the future and the price to get in will increase to keep up on maintenance 

Huayna Picchu peaking through the fog

cotton balls 

this place is seriously incredible 

so many stairs! everywhere! 

ate lunch here... no big deal... 

the photo everyone's seen a million times, but I saw it with my eyeballs and it was better than any photo

I did it! 

Llamas! Real ones! Eating grass!

beautiful little windows 

Temple of the Sun 

the best reason to get up at before the sun-the afternoon looked like an ant farm 

best afternoon nap EVER!

We left once the crowds started. We were wandering like sheep through the paths and up stairs. Machu Picchu is the most beautiful place I've ever seen, but in the afternoon it feels like Disneyland and loses most of it's magic. 

Go to Peru. Go to Machu Picchu. Go before the sun.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over how beautiful these photos are. You are very lucky to have seen them in person.
