08 June 2012

15 hours on a bus

We went to the bus station the day before our departure to Chile to find a cheap bus to Tacna (the boarder town). We did a little shopping around and found a seat for about $20 USD. I picked the first row on the second floor because I had heard it's one of the best cheap seats.

a great/horrifying view

The bus stopped a million times. We would pick up locals that waved us down, stop in towns that were totally not on the way to Tacna, stop for dinner but not tell anyone yet everyone somehow knew to get off the bus and order food. I tried to sleep, but we were being tossed back and forth around each corner. We finally arrived in Tacna at 5am (6am Chile). Thankfully we had met an Australian and a Dutch man that helped us figure out what to do next. We got a taxi to another station and then a second taxi that would cross the boarder. The driver helped us at the crossing (where I thought I lost my visa and was going to be stuck in Peru...) and then drove us to another station where we got a third taxi to our hostel. We had a long siesta when we arrived and then partied with an Australian and Canadian that worked there. It was a long day, but I think it was worth me only spending about $30 USD to get from Cuzco to Arica, Chile.

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