22 June 2012

Street Art No. 4

I can't stop taking pictures! Valparaiso is a beautiful little rainbow. My goal today was to find the piano staircase and to find cars hanging from giant clothes pins. I accomplished both and saw many other lovely things along the way.

covered-La Robot de Madera


Charquipunk and La Robot de Madera 

Charquipunk and La Robot de Madera 

Cines and Jekse 

I found the piano staircase!

they just happen to be on Beethoven street  


and next to the stairs... 
another one I've been dying to see!

more of Charquipunk's cats 


hidden behind fences and an old train station 

...but we crawled through a hole in the fence 

peep hole 

some guy was modeling with his shirt off

21 June 2012

Museo Naval

Today I decided it was time to ride up the hills of Valparaiso on one of the famous ascensors, or elevators. We rode Ascensor ArtillerĂ­a (built in 1894) up toPaseo 21 de Mayo where we had a fabulous view of the city and the port.

Ascensor ArtillerĂ­a

the port

The Navel Museum that we'd been looking for just happened to be on the hill. It cost $700 CLP (about a buck fifty) and I'm pretty sure we were the only people there. One of the guards followed us from room to room and would stand outside until we went to the next one. He even insisted that Tyler and I let him take our picture for us in the pirate room. Why not?

we even got a band to play for us in the courtyard while we toured the museum

this painting was my favorite

probably because of this guy

I REALLY want this knife gun!

giant Chilean flag

this is the rescue pod that was sent underground to save the trapped miners in 2010

33 miners


and a babe with no arms

the guard basically made Tyler get in this

our cheesy pirate photo of the day

We really didn't have a choice. I'm surprised the guard didn't make us get in the boat for another photo.