28 December 2014

I went to Mexico and took a lot of photos... of Volkswagens

I fell in love with Volkswagens when I was 15. My first car was a yellow/green/primer grey Super Beetle with a rusted out floor and a heater that never turned off. I loved it. With a little love and a beautiful new blue paint job, my car was perfect! I soon blew up the engine while driving on the freeway with no oil. After rebuilding the engine, I rear-ended another car while checking out a Jetta in my high school parking lot. Being an idiot teenager, I decided I needed a "cooler" car and sold my Beetle to a mom who complained that there wasn't a sunroof or enough room for a car seat... I regret selling that car every day. I'm on the hunt for a Westy now though!

¡El hermano de mi Beetle!


Louis and his handiwork





17 December 2014

Jardín Botánico

I went to the botanical gardens in Vallarta and didn't take a single photo of a flower. I did, however, take a photo of a dog.

16 December 2014

¡Mi Corazón Explotó!

My cheeks hurt from smiling. My stomach was sore from laughing. I don't think it would have been possible to fit more joy into my heart before it burst! Sarah and I met the lovely Taegan in our hostel and together we headed south on a bus and a boat to happiness. We brought tequila...

hiking through the jungle

we swam alone in this freezing fresh water

tequila shots the classy way 

From this point on there are no more photos. We ate ceviche, drank more tequila, embarrassed boys, swam in the ocean, laughed, wandered, tried to go sleep on our wobbly bunk beds, but just kept talking and giggling instead. Sarah bashed her foot into a metal railing, I twisted my ankle on the cobblestone street just seconds from our hostel, my legs were covered in the itchiest bites, and yet this was my favorite day.