12 January 2015

Dry Creek Falls

It's cold outside and I hate it, but I live in this fucking beautiful place and I should be spending my time exploring it even if my toes are freezing! My friend Courtney and I headed out to the Gorge to check out Dry Creek Falls off the PCT. Every tree was wrapped in moss and the ground was covered in ferns. I was in a green wonderland!

Where to next Courtney?

28 December 2014

I went to Mexico and took a lot of photos... of Volkswagens

I fell in love with Volkswagens when I was 15. My first car was a yellow/green/primer grey Super Beetle with a rusted out floor and a heater that never turned off. I loved it. With a little love and a beautiful new blue paint job, my car was perfect! I soon blew up the engine while driving on the freeway with no oil. After rebuilding the engine, I rear-ended another car while checking out a Jetta in my high school parking lot. Being an idiot teenager, I decided I needed a "cooler" car and sold my Beetle to a mom who complained that there wasn't a sunroof or enough room for a car seat... I regret selling that car every day. I'm on the hunt for a Westy now though!

¡El hermano de mi Beetle!


Louis and his handiwork





17 December 2014

Jardín Botánico

I went to the botanical gardens in Vallarta and didn't take a single photo of a flower. I did, however, take a photo of a dog.